Saturday, January 21, 2017

2016 Wasn't All Bad. There Were Some Great Comics!! DC/Vertigo Edition: A-D

Aquaman has been consistently in my top 5 favorite titles to read each month ever since the DC New 52 reboot, but the character himself has also been 1 of my most favorite, since always! So, even though the New 52 origin essentially did away with a LOT of Aquaman's history (his son, Arthur, Jr.; Black Manta killing said child; the Atlantis Chronicles, which includes Kordax & his "curse" & Arthur being Atlan & Atlanna's son, etc.; Arthur's half-son, Koryak; Charybdis feeding Aquaman's hand to piranhas, & more), I still love a lot of what DC's been doing with the character. 

Mera, for instance, has become just as big a presence in the Aquaman series as Aquaman himself. I'd say this started first with DC unearthing her from comic book limbo during the Blackest Night event & just kept up the momentum from there with her. And Garth, slowly, but surely, was reintroduced in the New 52 & as Tempest & that made  me  very happy as he's 1 of my top 3-5 favorite DC Comics characters! Tula has been elevated to the role of regent & plays much more of an important role in the governing of Atlantis than she ever did when she just known as Aquagirl, decades ago. (Lorena Marquez is still my favorite Aquagirl, by the way.) The Spindrift Station was an excellent addition to the Aquaman/Atlantean mythos & has been used as a great example of Aquaman's mission of brokering peace between humans & Atlanteans. 

At the same time, I loved the epic, progressive conflict that arose with Black Manta & N.E,M,O. against the Atlanteans. And before the DC Rebirth hit, Dead Water made for a great new villain who was introduced in the last few issues. Also, Brad Walker's art on the current, Rebirth-related Aquaman series has been very appealing to me!

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