Sunday, September 15, 2013

Aquaman-Related Series with Online Links: Part 1

More Fun Comics (1935) 73 – This was Aquaman’s very first appearance, cover-dated November 1941. This version is considered the Golden Age/Earth-2 Aquaman. He also appeared in issue #’s 74-107.

Adventure Comics vol. 1 (1938) 229 – This was the first appearance of the Earth-1 version of Aquaman from before Crisis on Infinite Earths. Before that, the Earth-2 Aquaman was appearing in the anthology series regularly starting with #103. After #229, Earth-1 Aquaman appears frequently then up until #478. <- This is where Aquaman’s Silver Age/Earth-1 origin is explained. <- This issue had the one & only appearance of the first Aquagirl, Lisa Morel. <- This issue was the 1st appearance of Aquaman’s most notable & loyal sidekick, Garth, the original Aqualad. - This issue is a pivotal moment that truly made Black Manta Aquaman’s arch-enemy as he killed his son, Arthur Jr. a.k.a. “Aquababy”. It also introduced Cal Durham, a Black Manta henchman who would become Aquaman’s ally. And as you can see by the cover, the story put mentor & sidekick at odds with each other.

World’s Finest Comics (1941) 133 – The 2nd Aquagirl, known as Selina, made her only appearance in this comic.

Aquaman vol. 1 (1962) 1-63 – This was Aquaman's first solo series, but it did have a 6-year break in between #56 & 57. <- This issue had Mera’s 1st appearance. <- And then this issue featured the wedding of Aquaman & Mera. - Arthur, Jr. a.k.a. “Aquababy” was born in this issue to Aquaman & Mera. - The 3rd & best-known Aquagirl, Tula, was introduced in this issue. She instantly become Aqualad’s first true love. <- This issue is where Aquaman’s most trusted Atlantean advisor, Vulko, is introduced. Also, it just so happens to be Black Manta’s 1st appearance, and he was DC Comics’ first black character too.

Showcase (1956) 79 – This comic introduced the amphibian heroine, Dolphin, who would later become very involved with the Aquaman “family”.

Crisis on Infinite Earths (1985) 9 – This is where Aquagirl (Tula) was tragically killed in action by the monstrous super-villain, Chemo.

Aquaman vol. 2 (1986) 1-4 – This mini-series featured the one-time use by Aquaman of what’s been commonly referred to as the “water-camo” costume. It also introduced the Atlantean city-state of Thierna Na Oge & its resident mystic ally, Nuada Silverarm.

Aquaman Special (1988) 1 (“The Missing Peace”)

Aquaman Special (1989) 1 (“The Legend of Aquaman”)

Aquaman vol. 3 (1989) 1-5 – This mini-series is where Aquaman & Mera become estranged for a while due to Mera becoming unhinged in what comes off as a weird delayed reaction to their son’s death/murder. That element of this story is far from all that happens in this fun mini though.

1 comment:

Joseph said...

good job, Matt!