Monday, July 03, 2006

I am a fan and collector of DC Comics, but I have to say that with Dan Didio at the helm, there've been plenty of changes that just made me go "wha-?" For example, he has said that "funny doesn't sell" & yet apparently, Formerly Known as the Justice League, being the number-one selling book for a good portion of its tenure, doesn't count as selling for him. And with the high demand & even the year-long (?) delay for the solicited sequel, "I Can't Believe It's Not the Justice League" printed in JLA Classified #4-9, there were sales just as high. Didio leaves me very confused with his thinking. He obviously has his own agenda just to make all the titles more serious as he likes & it's not really about the fans. There's more I'll say about this in later blogs.

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